Cockroach Control in Shakurpur - North West Delhi

Cockroach Control in Shakurpur - North West Delhi

No doubt if you have an infestation of cockroaches, you will need no encouragement to get rid of it. They are one of the ugliest, vile looking insects around and if that doesn't put you off then their habits should. Preferring warm, dank places they are often found in sewers and the dirtiest of dark corners. Naturally, then, they carry some pretty nasty stuff with them, including food poisoning agents, dysentery, typhoid and any number of other diseases. They will eat literally anything they can and if you imagine they were ever potty trained then you'd be wrong, they leave their droppings everywhere.

Perhaps the scariest thing about cockroaches, however, and what makes cockroach treatment especially difficult, is how fast they breed. Every female cockroach is able to make up to four hundred babies in their lifetime, a baby reaching maturity within three months, and living for another three to nine months after that if unchecked. The numbers can just get out of control.
Although other signs of an infestation include smear marks or droppings, cast skins, egg cases, an almond-like smell or dead insects, cockroaches are very visible at night time. Turn the light on suddenly and you will probably see them scurry to a dark hiding place. They look scary, they are dangerous, and they're tough to get rid of but don't panic! With a professional's help and diligent cleaning, you will be cockroach free in no time!

Pest Control in North West Delhi